ACM Competitive Programming Club
James Madison University, Fall 2015 Semester

When:  Wednesdays, 3:30 to 5:00 PM    Where:  ISAT/CS 143 Linux Lab

Everyone is invited—all skill levels from CS 139 to CS 999 are welcome to join!

Online Resources

Template Files (C++, Java, Python)

C++ Tutorial  /  C++ Reference  /  STL Guide

Java API Docs  /  Collections Framework

UVa Online Judge  /  uHunt UVa Hunting

UVa Toolkit  /  uDebug   generate test cases!

Fall 2015 Schedule (OLD)

Section numbers are from the 3rd edition of Competitive Programming by Halim and Halim.

CS 280 Syllabus (optional, if you would like to enroll for credit)

Fall 2015 Schedule (Archived)

LaTeX Template File  /  LaTeX 101 Slides (for CS 280 portfolio)

Date Prep Notes Contest
Sep 04 Problem A from 2013 Overview and Rules Warm-up Problems
Sep 11 Read/Study 1.3--1.4 How to Write Code Ad Hoc Problems 1
Sep 18 Read/Study 1.1--1.2 Tips on Competitive Ad Hoc Problems 2
Sep 25 Read/Study 2.1--2.2 Vector, Stack, Queue Linear Structures
Oct 02 Read/Study 2.3, STL Sets, Maps, Bit Sets Non-Linear Structs
ACM-ICPC North America Qualification
Oct 3rd, 12:00pm-5:00pm, Online (at JMU)
Oct 09 Read/Study 2.4, STL Graphs and Trees Adjacency Lists
Oct 16 Read/Study 3.1--3.2 CS: Just Do It! Complete Search
Oct 23 Read/Study 3.3 Guessing Games Binary Search
Oct 30 Read/Study 4.1--4.2 BFS and DFS Graph Traversal
Nov 06 Read/Study 4.4--4.5 Dijkstra's Algo Shortest Paths
ACM-ICPC Mid-Atlantic Regional Contest
Nov 7th, 12:00pm-5:00pm, Radford University
Nov 13 Regional Results More Test Cases ICPC Problems
Nov 20 Read/Study 5.1--5.2 Ad Hoc Math 2-Week Contest
Dec 04 Read/Study 5.3, 6.3 BigInteger, Strings "Easy" Problems
Dec 11 Study LOLCODE O HAI, WORLD! Simple Input